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Committees and councils

AAU Practice Committee

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The rector appointed a practice committee for Aalborg University (termed the AAU Practice Committee). The AAU Practice Committee was appointed to help ensure that allegations of questionable research practice are addressed and ensure a coordinated dialogue with the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct.

Committees and councils

AAU Practice Committee

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The rector appointed a practice committee for Aalborg University (termed the AAU Practice Committee). The AAU Practice Committee was appointed to help ensure that allegations of questionable research practice are addressed and ensure a coordinated dialogue with the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct.

The AAU Practice Committee's task is to:

  • investigate allegations of questionable research practice, that is cases in which there is a scientific product written on the basis of research conducted at Aalborg University which are outside the scope of the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct or have been dismissed by the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct,
  • forward any allegations related to a scientidic product (fabrication, falsification or plagiarism) within the scope of the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct for further investigation by the Danish Committee on Research Misconduct, and to
  • forward cases, which are not related to research conducted at Aalborg University, to any other research institution.

The AAU Practice Committee provides a statement to the Rector, after which the relevant line manager determines any sanctions and handles other relevant follow-up.

The responsibility for handling other cases of suspected questionable research practices, which means cases in which there is no scientific product, rests with the research managers and the various organisational units at Aalborg University, that handle administrative tasks related to research.

Reporting to the AAU Practice Committee

Anyone who may have reasonable grounds for suspecting research misconduct may bring up a question to the AAU Practice Committee by reporting to the AAU Practice Committee.

The report must include information on:

  • the scientific product in question,
  • the researcher(s) or academic staff member(s) against whom the allegation is made,
  • the allegations of research misconduct raised
  • the reasons for submitting the allegations.

Please use this form for submitting an allegation: Form for reporting research misconduct or questionable research practice at Aalborg University


If you have any questions about the AAU Practice Committee or the procedures for investigating allegations of research misconduct, please contact:

Rector's Office, rektorsekretariatet@adm.aau.dk