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AAU launches diversity and inclusion training

Diversity and inclusion is about more than target numbers - it is about getting all talents into play in a common working environment. Find out how you can contribute by participating in AAU's diversity and inclusion training.


AAU launches diversity and inclusion training

Diversity and inclusion is about more than target numbers - it is about getting all talents into play in a common working environment. Find out how you can contribute by participating in AAU's diversity and inclusion training.

By Tina Strandvig, HR. Translated by LeeAnn Iovanni, AAU Communication. Photo: Colourbox

- Most people do not deliberately exclude anyone. Even so, we sometimes end up doing and saying things that seem exclusionary. The best way to become aware of one's own biases is to constantly be challanged and confronted with them, said presenter Mikkel Orlovski from Connecting Cultures, when the first round of AAU's diversity and inclusion training was launched. 

The training consists of workshops in unconscious bias as well as cultural intelligence and supports the areas of action that AAU has chosen to work with in the university's strategic action plan for equality and diversity. 

Why is diversity and inclusion training necessary?

Chair of AAU's Committee for Equality and Diversity, Lars Hvilsted Rasmussen describes the training like this: 

- We know diversity produces better results - but it does not happen by itself. On the contrary, different expectations, working methods and ways of thinking can challange our teamwork. At the workshops, we learn to use diversity and inclusion as a drving force for better well-being, decisions and results. 

Register for the fall courses

Around 160 administrators and staff members have already participated in the training and gained evidence-based knowledge about how diversity factors such as gender, age and cultural background can create value in management, forms of communication and collaboration. 

If you would like to have the same knowledge so that you can make a difference, you can participate in one or more of the new courses that will be offered in 2023. Find out more and sign up below.